Today’s post is for paid subscribers, but here are a few choice extracts to show you what you’re missing by not being one …
‘What is the concept of ‘offence’ doing in the palace of art? Has it not wandered by mistake into the wrong building? Who let it in in the first place?’
‘When it comes to the making of art, the artist is none of our business. Let’s go further and say that when it comes to the making of art, the artist is none of the artist’s business either.’
‘Artists are creatures of dust like the rest of us and start with base materials. If we care about art, we care about what that dust has been turned into.’
‘Every day that goes by, literature loses another reader to the discourse of blunt statement promoted by the social platforms of the hour. Art’s subtle not to say sacred indeterminacy, where meaning is to be found, not stated, where no one can be held responsible for what’s said - because nothing is ‘said’ - struggles to be heard above the cacophony of opinion and counter-opinion that is only a mobile phone away.‘