Thanks for the blood test info. Who knew? I may now decide to go.

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Love it.

Gloriously grumpy. Birthdays no exception!

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I hear ya. bro. Happy Birthday!

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It is published in Kindle… KDP.

I suspect that an Amazon search for Cedar Roses will turn up lots of sites selling cedar trees, bark, shingles and all kinds of rose bushes and curvroses

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I loved this. With my glass of wine in hand it made me laugh.  A farmyard of dishonour is an absolute classic line. Why does anyone do this? Rooting around in the murky depths of self preservation when there are so many other pursuits that mean you enjoy the life you have left. Happy birthday, you’ll have no gifts from me just unsolicited advice. Ditch the yoga. X

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A wonderfully entertaining read made me laugh, no mean feat. Thank you

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Oh yes, this is it. And things definitely started going to hell in a handcart when people started voluntarily talking about books in the tropes of - marketing. (I blame the journos... some of my best friends, etc. etc.) Many happy returns! (Or should that be tanti auguri?)

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Happy Birthday and thanks for the laugh - that was hilarious.

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Happy birthday, and thank you.

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Happy birthday Howard!

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Happy Birthday 🍾🎂

Thank you for making me smile on this tense morning. Tense because my novel, in which, as you may recall me saying, a reference to Zoo Time plays a crucial part, is currently being read by three agents. The whole ms, that is. I have had amazing feedback so far.

Have a wonderful day.

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I thought that literary agents were a thing of the past? Replaced by reps that want about a kilobuck up front to *market* a finished book. There are extra charges for editing, proofing etc.

That’s why my action/adventure novel, Cedar Roses, on KDP is languishing with very low sales.

Nobody knows it is there!

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Hi William, are you outside of the UK? Because here, I believe, Agents are still the best way to get a book into the hands of traditional publishers who will work hard to promote it.

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Yes... Stateside, agents appear to be a vanishing breed. Perhaps... once an author has “made his bones”... then an agent will appear to continue to sell/promote an author’s work. But I am far from that point with Cedar Roses. #SIGH#

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I searched for your book on Amazon in Uk and it didn’t come up.

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Cedar Roses has an ISBN: 9798375334103

Please see if this comes up?

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Yes it does. Although now I know what it’s about I also just searched for AIDS epidemic under books, and it didn’t come up.,

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Hmmm... it is on KDP. No idea why it might not show up!

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