Howard - I accosted you one bleak afternoon in Soho some years ago to congratulate you on winning some spurious/important award or other. You were very gracious and said ‘How very kind.’
I have always loved your writing, am re-reading your book on Oz, where I believe you had professorial tenure for a while at Sydney University. Correct me if I am wrong. I attended that same ‘seat of learning’ in the mid 1960s. Not exactly the best place to attempt to further my knowledge of French and German.
A while ago I approached the actor Rupert Everett in Tite Street, Chelsea, strangely opposite the home of Oscar Wilde at number 34. ‘You’re Rupert Everett’, I screamed breathlessly. ‘Who the hell are you?’ he murmured. The correct reaction. I then made the mistake of referring to his latest cinematic creation, THE LITTLE PRINCE. ‘No’, he said with barely disguised disdain, ‘it’s THE HAPPY PRINCE!’ The screenplay covers the last months of Wilde in Paris, broke, unwell and poverty stricken. A very good film.
As for darts, a spectator sport that leaves one slack-jawed and drooling. I guffawed while reading your piece.
Wonderfully evocative piece. Made me smile a few well needed smiles. Even a chuckle, oy vey
Howard - I accosted you one bleak afternoon in Soho some years ago to congratulate you on winning some spurious/important award or other. You were very gracious and said ‘How very kind.’
I have always loved your writing, am re-reading your book on Oz, where I believe you had professorial tenure for a while at Sydney University. Correct me if I am wrong. I attended that same ‘seat of learning’ in the mid 1960s. Not exactly the best place to attempt to further my knowledge of French and German.
A while ago I approached the actor Rupert Everett in Tite Street, Chelsea, strangely opposite the home of Oscar Wilde at number 34. ‘You’re Rupert Everett’, I screamed breathlessly. ‘Who the hell are you?’ he murmured. The correct reaction. I then made the mistake of referring to his latest cinematic creation, THE LITTLE PRINCE. ‘No’, he said with barely disguised disdain, ‘it’s THE HAPPY PRINCE!’ The screenplay covers the last months of Wilde in Paris, broke, unwell and poverty stricken. A very good film.
As for darts, a spectator sport that leaves one slack-jawed and drooling. I guffawed while reading your piece.
‘One Hundred and Eighty!’ Indeed.