I love this piece. I love bagels. I love Jewish people. I have wanted to be one for years but I was baptised a Christian. Not that I mind, but maybe I could be both ? Or Jewish on Friday night and Saturday, C of E on Sunday. No ? Oy vey, then the nearest I'll ever get is that my daughter has a Jewish partner and a half Jewish baby son. So I have a half Jewish grandson. He is still eating mush but before long he'll be tackling bagels. Then I'll take him to a proper Jewish bagel shop.
Next time, remind me to tell you the story of Arnold Wesker, a London bus and my trip to an East End hot salt beef shop. Xx
Well, everybody has their own peculiar love affair with a food. Mine? I positively love salted sunflower seeds. I especially love the ones that come from Spain and are so salty that they look like they are coated in white. I love anything salty, but these are the top banana.
I haven’t had a British bagel, but hold Brooklyn as the best in America. In my neighborhood, I am the Bagel Buyer for friends in my misplaced home of Maryland. I am tantalized by watching a first time bagel eater eyes when they experience their first bite of this Jewish jewel.
I remember when bagels were Jewish food and pizza was Italian food. You had to go to a Jewish neighborhood to get a bagel and go to an Italian neighborhood to get pizza.
Oh, how I miss the Hamilton Ave. Bakery in Paterson NJ! Howard's description of the hidden nighttime bagel shop fits this place to a tee!!
A beigel for me, please. Thinner, chewier and not as sweet as yer Northener's item or, God forbid, that fluffier American bun style which even seems to have influenced Grods' these days.
Cultural appropriation? Bah Humbug!
I love this piece. I love bagels. I love Jewish people. I have wanted to be one for years but I was baptised a Christian. Not that I mind, but maybe I could be both ? Or Jewish on Friday night and Saturday, C of E on Sunday. No ? Oy vey, then the nearest I'll ever get is that my daughter has a Jewish partner and a half Jewish baby son. So I have a half Jewish grandson. He is still eating mush but before long he'll be tackling bagels. Then I'll take him to a proper Jewish bagel shop.
Next time, remind me to tell you the story of Arnold Wesker, a London bus and my trip to an East End hot salt beef shop. Xx
Well, everybody has their own peculiar love affair with a food. Mine? I positively love salted sunflower seeds. I especially love the ones that come from Spain and are so salty that they look like they are coated in white. I love anything salty, but these are the top banana.
I echo Susan Hill comment and add that I simply love this man's work! :-) YOUR work, that is, Mr Jacobson! :-)
I would like to speak on behalf of the bialy. They are lovely.
I agree, wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, they seem on their way to extinction. Perhaps we can start a breeding program.
I haven’t had a British bagel, but hold Brooklyn as the best in America. In my neighborhood, I am the Bagel Buyer for friends in my misplaced home of Maryland. I am tantalized by watching a first time bagel eater eyes when they experience their first bite of this Jewish jewel.
I remember when bagels were Jewish food and pizza was Italian food. You had to go to a Jewish neighborhood to get a bagel and go to an Italian neighborhood to get pizza.
Oh, how I miss the Hamilton Ave. Bakery in Paterson NJ! Howard's description of the hidden nighttime bagel shop fits this place to a tee!!
A beigel for me, please. Thinner, chewier and not as sweet as yer Northener's item or, God forbid, that fluffier American bun style which even seems to have influenced Grods' these days.