It's been the Second Holocaust and a blatant GENOCIDE and ETHNIC CLEANSINGS since October 8 2023. FACT.

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You have brightened my day. With the best words "in the world, either for tragedy,

comedy, history, pastoral, pastoral-comical,

historical-pastoral, tragical-historical, tragical-

comical-historical-pastoral, scene individable, or

poem unlimited".

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Thank you for making me laugh out loud this morning

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Thanks for this essay. Seems we’ve also become so “incredible” that at least every other event, attitude, issue, disease, weather pattern, etc., etc. is “unprecedented”!

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Very good. No! Very, VERY good!!! Indeed. No less than mervelous.

Mark Twain suggested writers substiute the word "damn" whenever they are about to write the word "very.." Damn good that!

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"Wow! Incredibly" brilliant, as ever. Your essay has sent me onto a "Journey" of laughter, reflection, sadness, despair, hope, hopelessness, awe... "Literally".

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It’s incredible to know you’re a darts fan.

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Another excellent essay - albeit not incredible, as I found it very credible indeed. When the murderous piggy-wiggy of a president and his X-wielding (see what I did there? Let me just trademark that....) puppeteer both simply want as much power as they can, language not only is their tool, but its bastardisation, or mamser-isation, flows through their acolytes, reflecting and emboldening the trends you describe.

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